Sunday, 29 May 2016


I wanted to give some tips on how to start reading to everyone so i have gathered some ways which have helped me to start reading. I was in a vey dangerous book slump for four years. So when i started reading again it was like starting all over again. I was so demotivated and did not want to read anything at all. Some of my friends very noble and they helped me get inspired to start reading again. And now i have to make up for all these lost years. AAHH >.< its frustrating but i know i will get there.

 So here are some of my tips to those who have faced the same as me as well as those who re planning to start reading....



  • If u are not at all interested in reading or in books, DO NOT READ. Find something else that interests you. I have seen many who thinks that their frends like to read so they too are obliged to do the same. But that is not the case at all. 
  • If you are interested in books then you can watch youtube or read blogs or find friends. This will form a little community where you will find lots of people interested in books. Hence you will also find fascination in reading.


Identify the genre of books you will likely love to read. This will help you keep interest in reading. For me i really like fantasy. So when i started reading i always picked up related to fantasy. It may be young adult or anything of your choice. This will help you to be actively present in the story since you will love to read about it.


"A friend in need is a friend indeed"~~~ :)
Find a mate who is also interested in reading. Read books together. Go to book shopping together. This will give you a sense of company and you will not feel alone and naive. You can to challenges with your friend as well. You can set a goal to see who completes it faster.This will help you be motivated throughout this journey. 


If you feel intimidated starting to reads lots and lots of words. You can always go easy and start with a comic or a manga or graphic novels. These are books in which the stories are mostly depicted in pictures. Very few words are used in this type of books so it will be easier for the reader to start reading. But even if you are not a starter you will enjoy reading them all the same. So do not worry and go ahead. Indulge yourself in the fantastic illustrations laid out in front of you. I guarantee you will savour it .


Read something that is really fast paced,witty and interesting. If you know a book will be something you love then go for it. Start with that. But if you are not sure then do a little research and find out a book that fast and witty and interesting according to your taste. This will keep you up on your toes and you will likely indulge yourself in all the feelings the story will have to offer.


A 600+ page book is very intimidating. Especially for new readers. Pick up books that has two hundred or three hundred pages. This will not intimidate you as much as you will know you will be able to finish off the book soon. And after finishing the book you will also get a sense of accomplishment which will bring forth joy and hence will keep your spirits and your enthusiasm very high. You will be able to read more books in a month than if you read a gigantic book.


Keep aside a time in the day which you will dedicate towards reading. Switch off your mobile if it distracts you. Have a sweet time with your book. If you cannot find a solid time in your day and you are too busy to set aside some particular time then break your time up. You can read fifteen minutes before going to bed or fifteen minutes after you wake up in the morning. Also carry you book around. This way you can read while you are on your way to work or college or school. 


Find a comfortable place and then create a comfortable environment to start reading. It may be in your bedroom or in the balcony or on the terrace. You can also read in the park. Just be where you think you will love to read. Also have blankets and some snacks if you would like to read whicle munching.


If you are getting tired and irritating reading so many words in books then you can start listening ti an audio book. This will help to to listen to the contents of the book. This will add a variety to your reading style and keep you away from a reading slump. So get you music player to work and start listening to an audio book.


Do not feel anguished if you are not able to read ten books a month when you see some others do the same. Everyone is different and hence everyone's reading speed is different. Even if you read two books in a month remember that there are people who do not read two books even in a year. So you have accomplished quite a bit. Do not be disheartened at all. This is your life. Read how many books your heart feels like reading. No one is forcing you to do anything. 

Hey guys i hope all these tips will help someone out there. I would myself life to know some more if there are other tips as well. But following these tips have helped me a lot and i am back from my reading slum with more enthusiasm than before.  

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